environmental experts attached to the Foresty and Environmental Conservation
Society - FOECONS in Kumba, have expressed worries that the chances are very
high for Lake Barombi Mbo, the main source of portable water in Kumba, to
disappear in some 92 years from now if drastic measures are not taken.
the midst of a prolonged water crisis, the environmentalists recently
confronted the press during which they said their meticulous study of the
crater lake shows that it is some nine meters deep, short of two a couple of
years ago.
some 5 kilometers square, Mr. Tabangmua Danisus, FOECONS Coordinator, revealed
Lake Barombi Mbo is now some 4.54 kilometers square.
to Mr. Tabangmua, there has been serious deforestation around the lake, which
he noted is under pressure of various forms. If farmers and timber exploiters
are not deforesting the lake surroundings and poisoning both the soil and water
with chemicals, fishing by chemical is killing acquatic creatures and much of
the biodiversity.
any case, FOECONS is collaborating with a German organisation for advocacy and
the Meme Administration is expected to sign an order stopping any destructive
activity around the lake, so that the about one million kumba population can be
sure of water, which has been scares for about six months following the badly
coloured water that is emitted from the lake through the pipes.
is also expected to sign a convention with the Kumba City Council for
tree-planting towards re-forestation of the lake. Only ecotourism should be
allowed...", the coordinator added firmly.
Amindeh Blaise Atabong
back from Kumba)